Advanced Algebra 2 Syllabus
Atlanta High School
Bhavin K. Pastakia
Mathematics Teacher
(903) 796 – 4411 Ext. 5112
Room # 112
August 2024
Dear Advanced Algebra 2 Students and Parents,
I am excited to teach and work with you at Atlanta High School this year. I have a background in Accounting and Finance. My hobbies include spending time with my family, playing basketball, and fishing.
Required Materials
Classroom Principles
Seven general principles guide our work together:
Attendance & Tardiness
As in college or at a career, you are expected to arrive to class prepared and on time each day. If you are absent, you are responsible for making up missed assignments. If you are aware that you will be absent, please plan ahead by using your syllabus and asking me or other students what assignment you will miss.
Grading Policy
Your grade every six weeks is calculated as follows: Homework/Quizzes/MATHia/Notebook 50%
Tests 50%
Total 100%
Clearly, to be good at anything in life, one needs to practice, practice, and practice! Homework provides daily practice essential for developing a mathematical understanding of the concepts introduced in class. Homework is assigned nearly every day and is discussed at the beginning of the following class period.
Quizzes will be given before the test. They will be open notes and books. All questions will be open-ended, and if a student gets ALL the questions wrong, 1 will be entered in the grade book, not zero. Students are not allowed to retake the quiz. Quizzes will be returned to students to study for the test.
Mathia counts as a daily grade and will be graded weekly on Friday at the start of class.
4 – 100%
3 – 75%
2 – 50%
1 – 25%
Students are allowed to turn it in late for 70%. Grades are updated on Friday only for MATHia. Students are encouraged to work ahead and stay ahead. Advisory will be a good time for students to work on MATHia. If they know they will be out due to band or school-related absences, they need to stay ahead (Time Management). All lessons will be open during the first week of school.
Notebook Check
Notebook checks will consist of the following: Bell Ringer, Notes, Assignment, and Exit Ticket. Students will have a bell ringer daily and have 10 minutes to work on it. Students who are not working will be deducted points from the notebook check. Notes are allowed to be used on quizzes, and students are to keep them in order. If absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get it from another student.
Makeup/Late Work
Grades for late work will be administered as follows:
1 day late - deduct 20 pts
2 days late - deduct 30 pts
3 days late - deduct 40 pts
4 days late - deduct 50 pts
No late work accepted after 5 days
Unexcused Absences (i.e. skipping)
The grade for make-up work after an unexcused absence shall be zero; please reference Board Policy EIAB.
Practice is essential in mathematics and will lead to successful performance on exams. A student who earns below 70% on a test will be given the opportunity to retest after participation in the re-teaching process within a reasonable amount of time. A student who refuses to participate in an initial testing administration will be denied retesting opportunities. Retesting is designed for those students who have yet to master the material covered/presented.
Cheating shall be defined as giving or receiving information or help on a test, possessing any unauthorized material prior to or during a test, copying another student’s assignment, submitting duplicate work, or having someone else complete an assignment on behalf of the student. Plagiarism, using another’s ideas or products as his own, is also defined as cheating. Any student involved in instances of cheating will have his paper taken up immediately, have a zero recorded for their work, and may be sent to the assistant principal for further disciplinary action. If a student is referred to the office, the assistant principal will address disciplinary action.
Electronic Devices
Cell phones, iPods, lasers, and other electronic devices are barred from the classroom unless permitted by teachers for instructional purposes. Electronic devices used in the classroom without the teacher's permission are subject to disciplinary action.
No food will be allowed in the classrooms or hallways. Water or products that meet federal nutritional guidelines will be allowed in the classrooms or hallways only in a clear plastic twist-top container.
Course Sequence
1 Exploring Patterns in Linear and Quadratic Relationships
2 Analyzing Structure
3 Developing Structural Similarities
4 Extending Beyond Polynomials
5 Inverting Functions
Final Notes
Students should know that I am happy to give any extra help that I can. Feel free to stop in before or after school any day. No question is too small. Many parents find email to be a great way to keep in touch with me. Feel free to email me or call me at school during the week. My conference time is 10:59 to 11:45. I also can be reached from 3:35 to 4:45 Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday after school. Also, Tutoring will be available Monday and Wednesday from 3:45 to 4:45. Tuesday from 3:45 to 5:45. I look forward to working with you and giving you the best education!!
Bhavin K. Pastakia
Student Signature______________________________________________
Parent Signature/ Phone Number _________________________________